D-Day: The Unheard Tapes (E:1 S:1)

2:30 AM-3:30 AM BBC two
Dienstag 7/9/2024
 GB   2024
Regie: Mark Radice,
D-Day: The Unheard Tapes
D-Day: The Unheard Tapes

Allied soldiers take off under cover of darkness as the biggest amphibious invasion in history begins. Gliders and paratroopers drop by nightfall as bombs strike the coast. When dawn breaks, German defenders witness an armada of ships approaching the shore. Extraordinarily powerful interviews with those who were there recount the story of D-Day, lip-synched by actors cast to resemble them at the time of the war.

Nummerierung: Episode 1 | Season 1 Subtitle:


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