Historian Bettany Hughes is in Greece, on the trail of the hugely influential maverick thinker Socrates, who was executed for his beliefs.
Satellitenaufnahmen offenbaren ein zerstörtes Fort, das im 19. Jahrhundert als fürchterliches Gefängnis diente. Anthropologe Kirk French begibt sich auf Spurensuche und stösst auf faszinierende Erkenntnisse. Ausserdem...
A shocking BBC investigation into serious sexual abuse allegations by Mohamed al Fayed, the former owner of luxury department store Harrods. The Egyptian billionaire businessman, who died last year aged 94, is accused of...
Anita Manning oversees today's Bargain Hunt, which comes from Kingston-upon-Thames. Catherine Southon and Danny Sebastian are the experts helping today's teams spend £300 on three items that might make a profit at...
Charlotte Hawkins presents an appeal on behalf of the MND Association.
Die Wachau, das ist zunächst eimal ein etwa 30 km langer Donaudurchbruch zwischen Melk und Krems in Niederösterreich. Der Fluss bildet hier ein enges Felsental. Ein Wahrzeichen der Wachau und eigentlich die Inszenierung...
Natasha was 16 years old when she stabbed a man to death, and 13 years after receiving a life sentence, she now has the chance to be moved to an open prison where she will come into contact with the public. In 2007, Carl...
Mammals' ability to learn new tricks is the key to survival in the knife-edge world of hunters and hunted. In a TV first, a killer whale off the Falklands does something unique: it sneaks into a pool where elephant seal...
Brady embarks on a new chapter in his career, leaving New England to join the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in search of his seventh Super Bowl victory. Brady is joined by a familiar face, tight end Rob Gronkowski.
Twenty years after a gangland shoot-out and an attempted murder conviction, can 45-year-old Adrian convince the panel his gang affiliations are behind him? Meanwhile, Daniel received a sentence of imprisonment for public...
Danny Sebastian presents today's programme from the Great Wetherby Racecourse Antiques Fair in West Yorkshire. Helped by experts Caroline Hawley and Colin Young, the red and the blue teams go head-to-head to see who can...
Aus dem All zeigen sich neue Erkenntnisse über das Meer vor Florida. Könnte das die Ereignisse im Bermuda-Dreieck erklären? Zudem finden Forscher seltsame Bilder aus den Alpen. Die Lösung dieses Rätsels deutet auf...