Marcus Wareing Simply Provence (E:13 S:1)

8:30 AM-9:00 AM BBC two
Donnerstag 5/23/2024
 GB   2024
Marcus Wareing Simply...
Marcus Wareing Simply...

When in France, it's very easy to focus on the savoury food offerings. That's not surprising with the incredible meat, fish, veg and cheese in such beautiful abundance. But Marcus wants to discover what simple sweet treats are on offer in Provence. After a visit to the market, where he finds pastries, jams and nougat to tempt him, he makes the simplest sweet imaginable: lavender sugar. It's the perfect thing to take to his neighbour Emilie's house, where he's been invited to cook quince. Traditionally, they're made into a sweet paste, but Marcus wants to come up with a quick and easy way to cook them. And using his lavender sugar, he and Emilie make a delicious caramel quince compote. Then, he discovers the importance of almonds in the region's most famous sweet, calisson. He also visits a local factory, where he gets a crash course in making the marzipan-like sweets.

Nummerierung: Episode 13 | Season 1 Subtitle:


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